Commonly Asked Questions
How can I watch this channel on TV?
People can watch the 24/7 stream of the Black Headline News Channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV; you must have or purchase a device along with access to the internet for the device to plug into a TV. You can then add the channel or app which is free. You can also watch it on PEG Access TV, if available in your area,
How can I watch this TV channel online?
You can watch it through the website under the tab, "watch now." You can also watch it with any of the online Black news outlet partners who have the video player available on their websites and/or apps (Black Collab, Black Tradelines, ONME, etc.)
I would like to advertise on the channel, partner with the channel or donate to the cause. How do I do that?
Thank you for your thoughts on doing business with the Black Headline News Channel and/or donating to the effort! We would love to connect with new partners! You can go to the tab labeled "Advertising." For partnership opportunities, please go the tab labeled "Partnerships." For donation, please go to the bottom of screen and click on "donations."
I am a Black news outlet; how can I get a BHN player on my website?
Placing a Black Headline News player on your website is free; however, all media outlets are vetted to make sure they are authentically described as at least 51 percent African-American owned and/or disadvantaged, and under 50 employees.